Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Assignment # 7

For Assignment # 7 our class had to write and research information about the Museum of Civilization and we are going to have to find a lot of information then. Let's see how it goes for me.
4.a)Which category of Canadian Personalities interested you the most? Did you like the "we inspired", "we founded", "we fought", "we built" or "we governed" section the best? Why?
The category of Canadian Personalities that interested me the most was the category of "We inspired" because it showed how the people in that category worked very hard and had a lot of things to their life, and also it showed how the Canadian writers were writing books, letters and all sorts of things all their life(followed their goal in life).
4.b)Which personality interested you the most? Why?
The personality that interested me the most was the life(personality) of Gabrielle Roy. At the age of 17-20 years, Gabrielle Roy started to write novels, books, stories... I got interested by her life because when she wrote novels, stories, and anything else she did it as it was a test she had to get an A+ on. Gabrielle Roy also wrote her books with happiness and truth,"The truth was that we were two of a kind, each living in fear of finding our poor, shy love for each other misunderstood." She wrote all of her feelings and everything she had to say was in her books. Gabrielle Roy was an amazing writer and she stayed a writer for more then 30 years.
4.c)Suggest three more influential Canadian personalities. Why did you choose these people? Which categories would they fit into?
One of the people I choose is the Canadian Basketball player Steve Nash. I choose him because he showed that not only all Americans get into the NBA and become stars, but also Canadians can too and anyone can if they set their mind to it. Also Steve Nash is not just a NBA player that got into the NBA, but he is also a player that won the MVP (Most Valuable Player) award two years in a row. Steve Nash proved his former coach wrong in university (Ottawa GG's basketball coach) that he can do anything if he focuses and sticks to what he wants his goal to be. I think that Steve Nash would fit into the section "We Inspired" because he showed that anyone can do anything if they set their mind to it and stick to their goal then they can have great success.I got this information from no website but I know this because I was there when the Ottawa GG's coach came to our school.
The second person I choose is the Canadian Boxer George Dixon. I choose him because he proved to the world that height does not matter. He was only 5-3 and won many boxing championships and he wear many title belts. People said that he was a Canadian, but had American arms and George Dixon showed them that Canadian Boxers have stronger arms and are just the same as every boxer. I think that George Dixon would fit into the section "We Inspired" because he inspired all the short people that thought they had no game in sports because they were to short. He also that you can do anything you set your mind to. I got this information off of my blog "Assignment #6".
The third person I choose is the runner Terry Fox. I choose him because he showed that anyone(I seriously mean ANYONE) can do anything they want if they set their mind to it. Terry Fox had bone cancer in his right leg and he needed money to try to get it cured , so he ran the marathon of hope.. His goal was to run all through Canada but unfortunatly he was forced to stop running because his cancer has come to his lungs. His Marathon of Hope ended outside of Thunder Bay, Ontario. He ran 5,373 kilometres (3,339 miles) with an amputated leg (that's amazing). I think that would fit into the section "We Inspired" because he showed that if anyone wants something really bad they would risk their life to do it. I got this information from this website "".
5. I voted for Gabrielle Roy for my favourite Canadian personality.
6. Information will be on Question 7-d.
7.d)Which History-Maker did you have the most in common with? Were you able to figure it out from the clues given? What do you share with that person? What are some things that are different between you and that person?
When I did the History-Maker quiz, I had most common with James Naismith. From the clues that were given at the end I was kind of able to figure it out already that it was James Naismith because on the first topic it talked about, it said "I spoke English, but my original rules of basketball have been translated into many different languages." From that I figured it is someone to do something with basketball and then when I clicked on the third clue it said "I pressured to call my new game Naismith ball, but i preferred to call it basketball." When I read that I knew it was the man who invented basketball James Naismith. The things I had in common with James Naismith were that we both were in many different sport teams, we both believe in building good character through sports and education, and our birthdays are both in the winter. But his birthday is at the beginning of winter. The differences between me and James Naismith was that his first language was English and my first language is Serb-Croatian, we both played a lot of sports but he played different sports from me like wrestling, rugby, and lacrosse. Also James Naismith lived all over the world as a kid and grown up, but so far only live in Ottawa. For last he had 1 sister and 2 brothers and I only have 2 sisters. That's what happen on my history match-maker experience and James Naismith is a very interesting man to read about and I think everyone should read about this man.

One hundred years from now, (in 2109!) imagine that students are learning about Canadian History Makers and they discover you. What will you be remembered for? How were you a Canadian History Maker? You are using your imagination, so think about some things that you would like to accomplish in your life and imagine that you have all the accomplishments of your life to look back on. Write a short profile of yourself, imagining the contributions you have made to the future of Canada. (Write this as though you've lived your whole life. You may have been a phenomenal athlete, the first black Prime Minister, cured cancer...use your imagination!)
***Update (Feb. 12, 2:20 p.m.) - Some of you have done an absolutely AMAZING job with this assignment.

Stefan Vijackic was born on January 16, 1996 and died on February 3, 2086. As a kid, Stefan always loved to watch, learn, and play basketball. He loved basketball so much that he always was training basketball in the gym and people even said he slept with a basketball. In his high school years, he was an amazing player on both defense and offense he was great. Not one man could get passed him and he stole the ball a lot of times and on offense he would get under the hoop like no one else can. When he was done his high school years, he went straight into the NBA. Most people thought he only got in because of his skill, but he told everyone that he has worked hard on his education also to get into the NBA. He was drafted by the Los Angeles Lakers. His first year he won the M.V.P award and the next year and the next year. People said he is the next Michael Jordan or he is better. But after a while he was traded to the New Orleans Hornets, and he was trdaed for Kane Fisher. Kane Fisher was always his oppenent in the NBA. When they would be on the court together, they always put on a show. Kane Fisher did have very good game, but Stefan had his game for a longer time. When Kane Fisher was pulled off the a triple double in points, assists, and rebounds. Stefan Vijackic made his own record then. By the time he was 39 years old and he was still in the NBA, everyone thought that he was going to retire the next year. But they were all wrong. He stayed in the NBA for another 9 more years and at the age of 48, he retired. Stefan Vijackic was awarded for the record in the NBA for the oldest player to play in the NBA. Kane Fisher pulled off some amazing things in his career, but Stefan Vijackic stayed long and always played like he was 22 in the NBA. Stefan Vijackic made history to Canada for the Canadian Basketball star and showed that old people will always have game. He will always be remembered for the inspiration he showed to kids and players in the NBA.